Writing App
No Matches
Writing App

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

An app with some of the features I want in writing applications built for long-form novel writing.

Nathan Ulmer
Friday 12-01-2024


This app primarily uses tkinter to create the GUI and handle the backend for the interactible writing boxes. The book is really a collection of documents I want to be able to edit either the unstructured document or the formatted book and have those changes reflected on both ends


Lorem ipsum dolor these are notes on the fall of the roman empire that are relevant to this chapter there are lots of words here and these words are important to my understanding of the text.
[Sally walked the dog down the stree menacingly, in the way only a child with a large dog knows how to do with her head
swivelling back and forth. The back and forths weren't those from a person looking for threats. They were the head-held-high
actions of a laser targeting system.]
Sally walked the dog down the stree menacingly, in the way only a child with a large dog knows how to do with her head
swivelling back and forth. The back and forths weren't those from a person looking for threats. They were the head-held-high
actions of a laser targeting system.
If you edit the formatted text, it should be able to know where it belongs in the unformated version and vice-versa. That way if I want to focus only on writing the final text, I can do that and it will automatically fit itself into my notes. If I want to work in a more free-form planning manner, I can dod that too.
At a later stage, It would be nice if I could automatically integrate noun detection of some sort, so I could automatically link things to their description. That way if I get lost while writing, I could click on a person or a place name and see things about them.

Analytic Tools

  • Track total word count
  • Track time-series data on time worked, words per minute, day, etc.
  • Track those separately for the formatted and unformatted text
  • Be able to plot the analytics in real time and just in general. That way I can see how my words per minute, day, week, etc change over time.
  • Be able to track word usage with one of those word clouds
  • Be able to track sentence composition (simple vs complex)

I want the window to display multiple documents at a time using markdown so they can be formatted